K1398 PSS-9-10
ti.<yu:ta>.la? {2}ka.wa
· Commonly found in the PSS of ceramic vases.
· Dütting&Johnson-TRRTNSAGL.p176.pdfp7 (1993) gives, in reference to K1398 PSS-9, ti.<yu:ta>.la? è ti y-ut-al = “for his sustenance/food”. This was seen at the time as a possessive y- inflection on ut, rather than an unpossessed yut.
· EB.p214.pdfp 219 (2009) gives: yutal “food”, “fruit” (with “food” apparently being the preferred translation).
· More recent sources give yutal as “fruity”:
o BeliaevEtAl-SCaSA.p258 (2009): The most common kind of cacao mentioned in dedicatory inscriptions on Classic Maya ceramics is yutal kakaw, which is usually spelled yu-ta-la or yu-ta. [other considerations] … Therefore, we believe that the phrase ta yutal kakaw should be translated “for fruity cacao” or “for fruit cacao”. [Sim: refuting other possibilities].
o AT-YT2021-lecture11.t0:25:39 glosses K1398 PSS-9-10 ti.<yu:ta>.la {2}ka.wa è ti yutal kakaw = “for fruity cacao”.